Sunday, October 14, 2018

First Plantings

This year we planted two tomato plants.  They were planted at the end of September.

Here is a pic of how they looked two weeks later. 

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Hydroponics Follow Ups

The hydroponics experiment was great.  I remember when we started Mrs. Burkett told us about a really long time ago the people relied on hydroponics to eat.  And I found it quite interesting.  When we started to place the plants in we put cilantro,basil, parsley,and dill.  We put nutrients and a special type of water.It was really fun.  We also saw the dew form on the see through cones that was on the seeds.

Hydroponics are plants that grow without soil.  They grow with water, a specific nutrients and light.  We have to cut them sometimes but they almost always grow back. It had took them at least 5 days to grow.  Once they sprouted we were so happy!   In conclusion, this is part of the story of our hydroponics.

I remember the hydroponics,the plants were growing a lot,we planted a lot of basil. It took a lot time like 4 weeks and then then then they grew finally. We ate the basil with cream cheese and salsa with cilantro.

Hydroponics are plants that grow under lights but, they are in a machine that has holes and holds all of the nutrients the plants need.We planted Dill, basil and more. We put some of our plants in cream cheese then we put it on pretzels.

In class we have been growing hydroponics.  We are growing different herbs and testing them.  We had cream cheese and pretzels, salsa and chips using herbs .